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Close to 120 species of birds were spotted on the LFWAG Bird Tours held in the Rankins Springs area on the 2nd weekend in October 2017. Here is the list. Maybe it will inspire you to join us next year.

A PDF opy of this list is available at this link. 2017 Bird Sightinmg List

Emu (P, None) Peaceful Dove (P, None) Bar-shouldered Dove (P, None) Common Bronzewing (P, None) Crested Pigeon (P, None) Black-tailed Native-hen (P, None) Eurasian Coot (P, None) Australasian Grebe (P, None) Hoary-headed Grebe (P, None) Great Cormorant (P, None) Little Black Cormorant (P, None) Little Pied Cormorant (1, None) Australasian Darter (P, None) Australian Pelican (P, None) Whiskered Tern (P, None) Silver Gull (P, None) Red-kneed Dotterel (P, None) Masked Lapwing (P, None) Black-fronted Dotterel (P, None) Black-winged Stilt (P, None) Red-necked Avocet (P, None) Glossy Ibis (P, None) Australian White Ibis (P, None) Yellow-billed Spoonbill (P, None) White-faced Heron (P, None) Australian Wood Duck (P, None) Black Swan (P, None) Australian Shelduck (P, None) Pacific Black Duck (P, None) Grey Teal (P, None) Pink-eared Duck (P, None) Spotted Harrier (P, None) Wedge-tailed Eagle (P, Nest with young) White-bellied Sea-Eagle (P, None) Whistling Kite (P, None) Black Kite (P, None) Black-shouldered Kite (P, None) Australian Hobby (P, None) Nankeen Kestrel (P, None) Barking Owl (2, None) Glossy Black-Cockatoo (P, None) Major Mitchell's Cockatoo (P, None) Little Corella (P, None) Galah (P, None) Cockatiel (P, None) Eastern Rosella (P, None) Australian Ringneck (P, None) Red-rumped Parrot (P, None) Blue Bonnet (P, None) Turquoise Parrot (P, None) Australian Owlet-nightjar (P, None) Laughing Kookaburra (P, None) Sacred Kingfisher (P, None) Rainbow Bee-eater (P, None) Black-eared Cuckoo (P, None) Shining Bronze-Cuckoo (P, None) Welcome Swallow (P, None) Tree Martin (P, None) Grey Fantail (P, None) Willie Wagtail (P, None) Jacky Winter (P, None) Red-capped Robin (P, None) Hooded Robin (P, None) Eastern Yellow Robin (P, None) Rufous Whistler (P, None) Grey Shrike-thrush (P, None) Magpie-lark (P, None) Ground Cuckoo-shrike (P, None) Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (P, None) White-winged Triller (P, None) Grey-crowned Babbler (P, None) White-browed Babbler (P, None) Crimson Chat (P, None) Western Gerygone (P, None) Weebill (P, None) Southern Whiteface (P, None) Yellow Thornbill (P, None) Inland Thornbill (P, None) Yellow-rumped Thornbill (P, None) Speckled Warbler (P, None) Brown Songlark (P, None) Rufous Songlark (P, None) Splendid Fairy-wren (P, None) Variegated Fairy-wren (P, None) White-breasted Woodswallow (P, None) Masked Woodswallow (P, None) White-browed Woodswallow (P, None) Dusky Woodswallow (P, None) Brown Treecreeper (P, None) Mistletoebird (P, None) Spotted Pardalote (P, None) Silvereye (P, None) Brown-headed Honeyeater (P, None) Striped Honeyeater (P, None) Black Honeyeater (P, None) Painted Honeyeater (P, None) Singing Honeyeater (P, None) White-eared Honeyeater (P, Nest with young) White-plumed Honeyeater (P, None) Noisy Miner (P, None) Yellow-throated Miner (P, None) Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (P, None) Blue-faced Honeyeater (P, None) Little Friarbird (P, None) Diamond Firetail (P, None) Double-barred Finch (P, None) Apostlebird (P, None) Spotted Bowerbird (P, None) White-winged Chough (P, None) Pied Butcherbird (P, None) Grey Butcherbird (P, None) Australian Magpie (P, None) Restless Flycatcher (P, None) Australian Raven (P, None) Striated Pardalote (P, None) Common Blackbird (P, None) House Sparrow (P, None) Common Starling (P, None)

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